Cohort Program Blog, Interviews and Other Writing

  • The Trouble with Ancestors

    Authors: Max Dresow
    Posted 22/02/2023

    Dresow, M. (2023, February 20). Problematica: The Trouble with Ancestors. Extinct: The Philosophy of Palaeontology Blog.

  • Comparisons with Teeth: Two Hundred Years of Actualism in Paleontology

    Authors: Max Dresow
    Posted 12/01/2023

    Dresow, M. (2023, January 9). Problematica: Comparisons with Teeth: Two Hundred Years of Actualism in Paleontology. Extinct: The Philosophy of Palaeontology Blog.

  • Applying a new mathematical modeling framework to existing fossil data

    Authors: Beckett Sterner
    Posted 11/07/2022
    fossil in stone image by josie weiss

    Almost two and half millions of years ago, the microscopic marine plankton species Globoconella puncticulata went extinct during a period of intense glacier formation across the Northern Hemisphere. Why did G. puncticulata go extinct when other ecologically similar species survived, including some to the present data? And what…