Agency and Directionality in Development

Papers From This Cluster

Prasad, H., Mandal, S., Mathew, J. K. K., Cherukunnath, A., Duddu, A. S., Banerjee, M., Ramani, H., Bhat, R., Jolly, M. K., & Visweswariah, S. S. (2024). An Endosomal Acid-Regulatory Feedback System Rewires Cytosolic cAMP Metabolism and Drives Tumor Progression. Molecular Cancer Research, OF1–OF17.

Sarkar, S. (2024). What Is, and What Good Is, Fitness? Reflections on Takacs and Bourrat. Biological Theory, s13752-024-00456–6.

Thapa, B. V., Banerjee, M., Glimm, T., Saini, D. K., & Bhat, R. (2024). The senescent mesothelial matrix accentuates colonization by ovarian cancer cells. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 81(1), 2.

Goldstein, R. E., Jack, R. L., & Pesci, A. I. (2024). How do cicadas emerge together? Thermophysical aspects of their collective decision-making. Physical Review E, 109(2), L022401.

Modak, P., Ramachandran, R. V., Nahid, Bhat, R., Saini, D. K., & Ghosh, A. (2023). Integrating Live-Cell Imaging with Magnetic Manipulation System. 2023 International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS), 1–6.

Cauwelaert, E. M. V., Li, K., Hajian-Forooshani, Z., Vandermeer, J., & Benítez, M. (2023). Interplay between harvesting, planting density and ripening time affects coffee leaf rust dispersal and infection [Preprint]. Ecology.

Srinivasan, A., Hohn, S., & Goldstein, R. E. (2023). Point Processes and the Statistics of Cellular Neighborhoods in Simple Multicellular Organisms (arXiv:2311.11939). arXiv.

Goswami, S., Ramachandran, R. V., Bhat, R., Dasgupta, D., Barman, A., Saini, D. K., & Ghosh, A. (2022). Evidence for the Successful Manipulation of a Magnetic Nanorobot Inside the Hard Tumor of a Live Animal. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Electronics (ICEE), 1–4.

Dutt, T., Langthasa, J., U, M., Mishra, S., Bothra, S., Vadaparty, A., Sen, P., & Bhat, R. (2022). Extracellular matrix imparts resilience to cancer spheroids [Preprint]. Biophysics.

Masel, J., Petrie, J. I. M., Bay, J., Ebbers, W., Sharan, A., Leibrand, S. M., Gebhard, A., & Zimmerman, S. (2023). Combatting SARS-CoV-2 With Digital Contact Tracing and Notification: Navigating Six Points of Failure. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 9, e49560.